Sunday, October 26, 2008

Arch 1202 - Coogee Oval - Week 10 - Building, Site, Landscape

Grandstand Undercroft and Entry

The Grandstand undercroft contains multiple spaces as well as a blade system influenced by the exterior of Eduardo Souto De Moura's Estádio Municipal de Braga in Portugal. This area holds the General Storeroom, Cafe Storeroom and the toilets and change rooms which are not accessible from this edge.

The Entrance space alongside the undercroft area offers more links and possible pathways into the site.

The Flexible Workshop is nestled in the undercroft of the grandstand and views out upon the street edge and north towards the park. This reciprocal relationship changes over time with users of the space being able to watch those interacting with the site on an equal footing but at night time they are lit up just like the gym and attract viewers just as a latern would moths. It also acts as an anchor for activity on the site and gives visitors to the site a point of reference.

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